Section 1. The congresses of this Association shall be governed by the rules of order as prescribed in “Robert’s Rules of Order” insofar as the same are not superseded by the constitution and bylaws and have applicability.



Section 1. The president shall preside at all meetings and congresses of the Association and the Board of Directors; shall call all meetings of the Board of Directors; shall appoint all committees not otherwise provided for by the constitution and bylaws; shall designate the chairmen of all committees and similar subordinate bodies functioning within the structure of the Association; shall be an ex officio member of all committees and similar subordinate bodies; shall certify to all official acts of the Association; shall also act officially for the Association when the occasion requires; shall fill all vacancies for the unexpired terms of chairmen, members of committees and similar subordinate bodies.

Section 2. The president-elect shall perform all executive functions and other duties as shall be assigned by the president or the Board of Directors. In the event of the failure or inability of the president to perform the duties of office, the president-elect shall assume the duties of the president. The president-elect shall be the official liaison to the American Optometric Association and act as the Association delegate to the AOA Annual Congress.

Section 3. The vice president, in the event of the failure or inability of the president or president-elect to perform their duties, shall assume the duties of the president or the president-elect. The vice president shall act as the liaison to all standing and special committees of the Association and shall perform all duties assigned by the president or the Board of Directors.


Section 1. During the annual or special congress of the membership and at all other times, all matters relative to the business and affairs of this Association shall be referred and submitted to the Board of Directors for recommendation and action. When the annual congress is in session, the Board of Directors shall recommend at all other times the Board of Directors shall act.

Section 2. The Board of Directors shall meet immediately prior to and after the close of the annual congress for the purpose of organizing, arranging and devising methods of executing the mandates of the membership. The Board of Directors shall also meet on a quarterly basis for the purpose of carrying on the business of the Association.

Section 3. The Board of Directors shall fill all vacancies in an office.


Section 1. Nominating Committee

(a) The nominating committee shall consist of the three (3) most recent past presidents, appointed by the president, with the approval of the Board of Directors; the committee shall be appointed not later than sixty (60) days before the Annual Congress.

(b) The nominating committee shall meet, consider candidates for respective offices, formulate and present to the members a slate of nominees fifteen (15) days before the date of the opening business session at the Annual Congress; this however, shall not preclude the absolute right of any active member to make a nomination, for any office, from the floor.

Section 2. Budget and Audit Committee

(a) The committee shall consist of the president-elect, Executive Director, and two active members in good standing. (Adopted 2023 Annual Congress)

(b) The committee shall use available data, with the president’s guidance, to project a sound and sane budget for the following twelve (12) months.

(c) The committee shall determine the need for a C.P.A. audit and recommend to the members for their approval.

(d) The budget and audit report will be presented to the membership for approval at the Annual Congress.

Section 3. Resolutions Committee

(a) The president, not later than the first day of the Annual Congress, shall appoint three (3) members to the resolutions committee. The committee shall be referred all resolutions submitted by the Board of Directors, members, or presented at the Annual Congress.

(b) Resolutions to the members at the Annual Congress shall be in two parts;

(A) Resolutions: pertaining to proper acknowledgement and issuance of thanks to those responsible for a successful meeting and past year.

(B) Resolutions: consisting of Association policy pertaining to goals and objectives endorsed by its members, including operating policy; professional judgement on state and federal rules or actions affecting optometry; positions on issues or presentation of the profession to the public; and endorsements of research or advancement to the vision care profession on the state or national level. The Association shall not endorse any product or service otherwise.

(c) The committee shall also study and review all resolutions adopted by the membership at the annual congress ten (10) years previous to the date at which the committee is appointed and recommend needed updating or revision to the membership for its consideration.

Section 4. Congress Committee

  • The Annual Congress Committee will be appointed by the President and consist of the Annual Congress committee chairman, the Executive Director and the standing Vice-President. The committee will review previously set congress dates and places for any discrepancies that may have arisen; select and investigate a location for the following two years; (Amended 2023 Annual Congress)


Section 5. Executive Committee

(a)The Executive Committee shall be comprised of the elected officers and the immediate past president and shall meet at the discretion of the President to transact any business deemed necessary.  (Adopted 2023 Annual Congress)



(a)The Committee will consist of a committee chairperson, who is appointed by the President, the Executive Director and others deemed necessary by the chairperson.


(A) Serve as an active committee chair by understanding and conveying committee objectives, delegating and following up on work to be completed, arranging committee meetings. and reporting activity to the IOP Board of Directors

(B) Form new task forces and appoint members as deemed necessary to accomplish the goals and objectives identified. Monitor task force activities to ensure accountability.

(C) Report to all IOP board meetings either in person, virtually, or through written communication

(D) Attend Optometry’s Meeting or another optometric conference to listen to prospective speakers

(E) Share information regarding the business of the Paraoptometric Committee with the IOP membership through quarterly newsletter articles

(F) Attend the annual congress in-person to assist IOP staff and monitor paraoptometric class attendance

(G) Train your successor by involving him/her in as many meetings, communications and discussions as possible and conducting meetings with him/her to orient him/her to the position


(A) Lead the planning of the paraoptometric education programming and events for the IOP Annual Congress in conjunction with the IOP Congress Committee and the assistance of the IOP staff. Paraoptometric educational programming at Congress should offer education in all areas of an optometric office and CPC/ABO/NCLE hours should be provided. Oversee certification through CPC/ABO/NCLE, including ordering all certificates before Congress. Secure at least one sponsorship to support congress speaker(s) or event(s). Sponsorships must be coordinated with and approved by, the IOP office before any commitment. Manage onsite registration and serve as a liaison for the IOP as needed.

                (B) Offer assistance to IOP member offices in accessing AOA educational materials and answering certification questions

(C) Assist with securing nominations for the Paraoptometric of the Year award.

(D) The Committee Chair is offered a complimentary attendance and lodging at the IOP Annual Congress as arranged by the IOP staff.

(E) The Committee Chairperson will be reimbursed for expenses for authorized out of state travel; including airfare, transportation, lodging, and registration fees. If meals are not included in registration fees for official meetings, the Chairperson shall be reimbursed an amount per diem not to exceed fifty dollars ($50.00) divided as follows: fourteen dollars ($14.00) breakfast; sixteen dollars ($16.00) for lunch; twenty dollars ($20.00) for dinner. The indicated amount shall be subtracted from the per diem for each meal provided as a part of the meeting agenda. Compensation shall not be paid if the Chairperson is receiving travel payments from another group for a meeting held at the same general location and time. Reimbursable expenses must be submitted with accompanying receipts to the IOP Executive Director for approval and payment.

Section 6: Awards Committee

  • The committee shall select annual award recipients no later than thirty (30) days preceding the Annual Congress. The committee shall be comprised of the five most recent past recipients. (Amended 2023 Annual Congress)


Section 1. A member of this Association shall be expelled automatically by reason of failure to pay dues or by reason of the loss or revocation of his license as an optometrist. Membership may be suspended or may be expelled if found guilty of violating any state or national law, rule or regulation relating to the practice of optometry, or the code of ethics and rules of practice of the Association.

Section 2. A copy of the charges shall be sent to such respondent optometrist by registered mail and member shall have fifteen (15) days after mailing to send an answer by registered mail to the president of this Association. The Board of Directors shall thereafter recommend disposition of the charges to the membership for final action. In the event that immediate action is required, the Board shall have authority to call a special meeting of the Association to dispose of the charges; a two-thirds (2/3) vote of those present and voting shall be required to expel or suspend a person from membership.


Section 1. These bylaws may be amended at any regular or specially called meeting by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the active members present; copy of such proposed amendment to be sent to all members at least fifteen (15) days in advance of the meeting by the Executive Director.

Rev 10/2023

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