Policy Book
Policy Book –
- Purpose The Idaho Optometric Physicians Optometrist of the Year recognizes those ODs who have been in practice over ten years, and show consistently outstanding service to their profession, their patients, and their community.
- Eligibility
- The nominee must be an AOA member.
- The nominee must be in active optometric practice over 10 years. Age is not a criterion for this award.
- The nominee must be nominated by his or her respective IOP Member.
- Rules and Requirements
All nominations for the IOP Optometrist of the Year Award shall conform to the following requirements:
- Nominations are to be submitted to the executive director. A short statement should accompany the nomination explaining the primary reason the nominee should be named as award recipient (see Criteria section).
- Nomination of a person in any given year does not preclude future nominations of the same person. Nominators may wish to enter the same nominee at a later date due to new or continued service.
- The completed nomination form must be submitted by August 15.
- Criteria
- Service to Optometry
- Leadership Roles
- Major Accomplishments
- Initiating and/or Implementing Unique Plan, Program, or Action on Behalf of Optometry
- Published Professional Articles or Research Findings
- Outreach to Potential Students, or Assistance to Optometry Students and/or Recent Graduates
- Service to The Visual Welfare of The Public
- Sight-Saving Groups or Charities
- Service Efforts in the Community
- Participation in Government Health Care Programs
- Service to AOA Or State Affiliates
- Service as an Officer, Committee Chair or Member, etc.
- Promotion of the Association’s Goals and Programs
- Activity in Support of Association’s Projects
- Involvement in Public Information Activities (Media Spokesperson, Etc.)
- Selection The Optometrist of the Year will be selected by the Awards Committee no later than thirty (30) days preceding IOP’s Annual Congress.
- Presentation The award will be prepared in advance by the Executive Director for presentation by the nominee or other individual appointed by the awards committee. (Adopted 2023 Annual Congress)
- Purpose The Idaho Optometric Physicians Young Optometrist (defined as those who have been in active practice 10 years or less, including residency or fellowship) recognizes those ODs in their first decade of practice who show leadership skills when serving their profession, their patients, and their community.
- Eligibility
- The nominee must be an AOA member.
- The nominee must be in active optometric practice 10 years or less (including residency or (fellowship). Age is not a criterion for this award.
- The nominee must be nominated by his or her respective IOP Member.
- Rules and Requirements
All nominations for the Young Optometrist of the Year shall conform to the following requirements:
- Nominations are to be submitted to the executive director. A short statement should accompany the nomination explaining the primary reason the nominee should be named as award recipient (see Criteria section).
- Nomination of a person in any given year does not preclude future nominations of the same person. Nominators may wish to enter the same nominee at a later date due to new or continued service.
- The completed nomination form must be submitted by August 15.
- Selection The Young Optometrist of the Year will be selected by the Awards Committee no later than thirty (30) days preceding IOP’s Annual Congress.
- E. Presentation The award will be prepared in advance by the Executive Director for presentation by the nominee or other individual appointed by the awards committee. (Adpoted 2023 Annual Congress)
- Purpose - This award is given as recognition of exemplary service to optometry and paraoptometric associations.
- Requirements - The nominee must work under the direct supervision of a licensed Doctor of Optometry assisting in patient care and/or in office management. The sponsor must be a member in good standing of the IOP.
- Criteria -
- Service to Optometry and Paraoptometric Associations
- Leadership Roles
- Office Competency
- Service to the Visual Welfare of the Public
- Public Service
- Letter of Recommendation
- D. Selection - The Paraoptometric of the Year will be selected by the Awards Committee no later than thirty (30) days preceding IOP’s Annual Congress.
- Presentation - The award will be prepared in advance by the Executive Director for presentation by the sponsor. If the sponsor is not available to make the award presentation, the IOP Immediate Past President will present the award.
A resume of the minutes of the Board or other important meetings, along with comments and recommendations, will be reported to the general membership as soon as possible after the meeting by a person designated by the president. (i.e., adopted at the 1969 Annual Congress)
The IOP annual dues shall be $620.00 in addition to the current AOA dues. (i.e., adopted at the 2015 Annual Congress)
A member of the Board of directors shall attend all meetings. If a Board member misses more than two Board of Directors meetings without a reasonable excuse, he shall be released from service on the Board and the president shall appoint a new Board member to serve until the next Annual Congress.
When members of the Board of Directors are unable to attend a regular or special board meeting, the president may appoint an alternate to serve as a proxy for the absent board member. Such proxy board member shall serve at the pleasure of the duly elected Board of Directors and shall represent the area from which the non attending member was elected. Reimbursement of expenses for the proxy board member to attend the board meeting shall be paid only in the event the proxy is needed to fulfill the requirements of meeting a quorum.
Each annual general membership meeting of the IOP will be designated and publicized as the “Year Idaho Optometric Physicians Annual Congress”. The only allowable exception to this resolution would occur when the annual IOP general membership meeting is held in conjunction with other states. (i.e., adopted at the 1971annual congress)
Non-members may attend business sessions only at the invitation of the president. Notice will be given to non-members at the congress registration.
All standing committees and special committees shall make written reports and submit to the executive director previous to the congress. (i.e., adopted at the 1972 Annual Congress)
- Call to order
- Roll call of officers
- Reading of minutes
- Report of the Budget Committee
- Report of the Board of Directors
- Report of the standing committees
- Report of the special committees
- Communications
- Unfinished business
- New business
- Nomination of officers and election of officers
- For the good of the association
Members will be reimbursed for transportation expenses for authorized out of state travel; to include airfare, hotel room, and registration fees. Members shall be reimbursed an amount per diem not to exceed fifty dollars ($50.00) divided as follows: fourteen dollars ($14.00) breakfast; sixteen dollars ($16.00) lunch; twenty dollars ($20.00) dinner. Departure time determines the allowance as follows: Full day if before 10:00am; lunch + dinner if between 10:00am to 2:00pm and dinner after 2:00pm. The indicated amount shall be subtracted from the per diem for each meal provided as a part of the meeting agenda. Compensation shall not be paid to members who are receiving travel payments from another group for a meeting held at the same general location and time. A written report is required from those who are reimbursed by the IOP. (i.e., amended by membership action October 28, 2017)
Directors and officers will be paid travel mileage which will be computed as the total round trip distance. The allowed travel expense will be the current IRS allowable rate per mile. If traveling by air, reimbursement will be based on coach rate. When members are traveling by air, mileage will be reimbursed for travel to and from airports by personal auto. Taxi or shuttle costs to and from airports will be reimbursed. Rental cars are not covered unless the cost is less than taxi or shuttle fare. Board members' travel will be paid to all Board meetings. Airport parking expense for official designates of the IOP traveling on IOP business will be reimbursed. Members traveling overnight to meetings shall be reimbursed for lodging for one night only, up to the cost for the least expensive “single” room available (at a designated hotel, resort, etc.) or the actual cost, whichever is less. A per diem food allowance will be reimbursed according to the schedule listed in Section XV. OUT OF STATE TRAVEL. The president may approve reimbursements for additional nights, if deemed necessary. (i.e., adopted by membership action October 28, 2017)
- All activities shall be in accordance with the high professional standards of optometry in Idaho.
- This organization shall never be used in any way to negotiate in the matter of salaries or compensation of any of its members.
These Rules may be amended by a majority vote of the members present at a properly noticed membership meeting. Notice of a proposed amendment shall be included in the official announcement of the meeting in which the voting will take place. Rules changes are subject to the approval of the Idaho Optometric Physicians Board of Directors.